Serving God and God’s People in the Assembly
In the Catholic Church we have varied ministries which provide carefully planned activities for children, young people and adults; supporting families under stress; caring for those hurt by abuse in the past; ministering to and managing those who have caused harm.
It is because of this that we need to provide a safe environment for all which promotes and supports their wellbeing. This will include carefully selecting and appointing those who work with children, young people or vulnerable adults and responding robustly where concerns arise.
The Diocese of Salford Safeguarding Commission, set up to take responsibility for the work of safeguarding, is made up of representatives from social services, the Police Public Protection Unit, members of the medical profession and clergy with a background in safeguarding procedures and implementation.
The structure of the Safeguarding Commission enables and encourages processes whereby victims are always listened to and have their complaints acted upon.
Safeguarding Representative: Catherine Horth, Parish Secretary, The Roman Catholic Parish of Saint Mary and St Philip Neri
Belgrave Street, Manchester M26 4DG. 0161 724 1765
If you have any safeguarding concerns please contact the Diocese of Salford: or telephone 0161 817 2206
Every child, young person and vulnerable adult who comes to a church or parish activity is important.
All the adults must make sure:
- You are treated well and with respect;
- You are listened to;
- All reasonable action is taken to ensure you are safe.
If you are unhappy, muddled, confused, worried, hurt or frightened about anything that happens at a church or parish activity, where you live or anywhere else you go, we want to help.
The people you can tell are:
- Somebody in your family or where you live;
- A leader who you feel listens to you in the church / parish activity;
- Your local Safeguarding Representative (see poster in church / parish centre);
- The Diocesan Safeguarding Co-ordinator (see below);
- Somebody at school;
- Child Line / NSPCC.
You will not get into trouble at church (in the youth group etc.) for telling about something that is making you unhappy, muddled, confused, worried, hurt or frightened.
It sometimes takes a lot of courage to tell.
DIOCESAN SAFEGUARDING CO-ORDINATOR: Diocese of Salford: 0161 817 2206
NSPCC: 0800 800 500 or 42, Curtain Road, London EC2A 3NH or
NSPCC Textphone service (for deaf people): 0800 056 0566
Child Line: Freephone 0800 1111 or
Action on Elder Abuse: 0808 808 8141 or
Help the Aged: 0207 278 1114 or go to their website