• Newsletter: 19th January 2025

Newsletter: 19th January 2025

Second Sunday In Ordinary Time

Newsletter: 19th January

Second Sunday In Ordinary Time

16.30 Confessions

9.00 MASS
10.30 MASS (& Coffee)
12.00 Baptisms

No Coffee Morning
13.30 Requiem Mass: Ann Mc Quaid

10.00 Mass

10.00 Mass

10.00 Mass

16.30 Confessions

9.00 MASS
10.30 MASS (& Coffee)


After the season of Christmas, we have now returned to Ordinary Time, until Ash Wednesday on 5th March, which begins the season of Lent. Ordinary time is a season to grow in faith and deepen our relationship with God through prayer, service, and reflection on the daily blessings in our lives. The term “ordinary” comes from the word “ordinal”, which means “counted”. Each week of Ordinary Time is numbered, such as this weekend;  2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time. There is no First Sunday in Ordinary Time because it’s replaced by the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord.  During Ordinary Time, the church celebrates Jesus’ teaching and ministry and gives Christian’s time to reflect on how they live. The liturgical colour for Ordinary Time is usually green.


After the success of our Christmas get together the Social Committee invite you to a “Burns Night” (A celebration of Scotland) Thursday 23rd January 2025, 7.00 p.m. in the Atrium. With whiskey reception stand up bingo, shortbread, sing along and quiz! Bring you own booze and dress in tartan! Limited to 50 places for health and safety. Please sign up on the list in the Atrium.


Did you know that on Sunday 26th January, we will be marking Caritas Sunday? This annual occasion is a great opportunity to celebrate work of our diocesan charity, Caritas Diocese of Salford. To find out more about the work of Caritas Salford and how you can get involved, please visit > We invite you to keep our diocesan charity in your prayers over this coming week.


Young adults across the diocese are invited to join our Diocesan Youth Ministry Team for a rare pilgrimage to Rome this summer. Pope Francis has announced a special Jubilee of Youth in celebration of the 2025 Pilgrims of Hope Jubilee, which also coincides with the canonisation of Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati. To find out more about this remarkable opportunity and to register your interest, please visit >


To all parishioners who have supported the UCM in purchasing books. £160.00 raised for church funds. Thank you!


8.30am – 2.30pm Tuesday
8.30am – 1.30pm Wednesday
8.30am – 2.30pm Thursday
8.30am – 1.30pm Friday


Next meeting 29th January at 7.30p.m


The Diocese of Salford’s Laudato Si’ Centre is teaming up with diocesan charity Caritas Salford to host an accessible prayer walk. The session offers an opportunity to explore the beautiful, accessible grounds of the Laudato Si’ Centre along with a peaceful prayer reflection, taking place between 10 and 11.30am on Friday 31st January. Find out more and register by emailing >


Want to learn more about our Pilgrims of Hope Jubilee? Want to find out how we’re observing the Holy Year in our diocese? The Diocese of Salford’s website has a range of information to accompany you this Jubilee Year, with information on our Designated Churches, upcoming pilgrimages, and a range of different resources. Explore more >


Father in heaven, may the faith you have given us in your son, Jesus Christ, our brother, and the flame of charity enkindled in our hearts by the Holy Spirit, reawaken in us the blessed hope for the coming of your Kingdom. May your grace transform us into tireless cultivators of the seeds of the Gospel. May those seeds transform from within both humanity and the whole cosmos in the sure expectation of a new heaven and a new earth, when, with the powers of Evil vanquished, your glory will shine eternally. May the grace of the Jubilee reawaken in us, Pilgrims of Hope, a yearning for the treasures of heaven. May that same grace spread the joy and peace of our Redeemer throughout the earth. To you our God, eternally blessed, be glory and praise for ever. Amen


Bookings are now being taken for the 2025 Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes. This year’s pilgrimage will take place between 31st July and 6th August. For more information on how to book as a pilgrim or register as a volunteer: please visit >


Monsignor John Allen has harnessed his love of the geography and history of our diocese, penning a very special book which is being sold in aid of Caritas Salford.  The book, Pilgrims of Hope, has been published in time for the start of the 2025 Jubilee Year which is also focussed on the theme of Pilgrims of Hope, and is available to purchase by visiting here >

Jubilee Year 2025

Pope Francis has decreed that 2025 will be a year of Jubilee, a holy year which happens every 25 years in the Catholic Church.



Year C is the year of Luke’s gospel, but we start with this reading from John which recounts the symbolic beginning of Jesus’ ministry. It is full of riches. After the first reading from Isaiah it is impossible not to see this ‘sign’ (as John calls it) as a sign of that final wedding-feast of God and his people. Furthermore, in Jewish thought, water represents the Law: in an arid land water is the sign of life and is precious – just so, the Law of God is precious and gives life. Jesus transforms this water of the Law into the wine of the New Covenant – and in such generous quantities: over one hundred gallons of wine! Then there is Mary’s part: Jesus says his Hour has not yet come (and the reader knows that the Hour of Jesus will be the moment of his exaltation at the Cross and Resurrection), but Mary’s confident plea is a reminder to us of the power of her intercession. She will be mentioned no more in this gospel till she is present at the Cross, sharing the passion of her Son and joined to the Beloved Disciple to form the first Christian community. Why did Jesus choose to do this as his first miracle?

BAPTISMS Please see Fr. Brady after Mass if you would like your child to be baptised. A baptismal certificate for one of the parents must be provided as evidence of baptism in a Roman Catholic Church before a baptism date can be given. We welcome parents and children and by attending Masses at the weekend on Saturday at 5.30pm, Sunday at 9.00am or 10.00am which fulfil the Sunday obligation. All Catholics are OBLIGED to celebrate Mass on EVERY Sunday.

BAPTISM CERTIFICATE COPIES REQUESTS For those requesting copies of baptism certificate the office can be contacted initially and the certificate can be collected at any of the weekend Masses. This is also to encourage people to come to Mass.

SICK AND HOUSEBOUND If you know of anybody who would like Fr Brady to visit, could you please give him their name and address with postcode and a contact telephone number. Thank you.

MASS INTENTIONS, OUR LADY’S LAMP AND THE SANCTUARY LAMP  The practice of requesting a Mass to be offered for loved ones, living or deceased, is a beautiful and wonderful part of our Catholic Tradition. Continuing this long-standing practice, you can remember someone who has died recently or many years ago. The Mass can also make beautiful gifts for any special occasion: birthdays, anniversaries, in thanksgiving for a prayer answered etc. You can offer an intention for anybody who is struggling with a serious illness or other difficulties of life. There are Mass Intention Envelopes provided on the table in the Atrium. (Please ensure that you have the express consent of the sick or housebound person as the bulletin is posted on the parish website, therefore making that information available to the public at large. Please provide a contact number with Mass Intentions so that any discrepancies can be resolved. Our Lady’s Lamp and Sanctuary Lamp are £5.00 and burn for seven days. Please place any intentions in an envelope with your donation and give to Father Brady or place in the Mass offering Box in the Atrium. All newsletter items must be sent in by Thursday morning.


Lately Dead
John Smith, Hannah Rachael Fryatt, Maureen Walsh, Betty Burns.

Anniversary of Death
Sidney Elston, Thomas Hornby, Ronald Hopkins, Alex Mc Guiness, Anne Mc Guiness, Vera Montgomery.

Birthday Memorial
Helen Munro.

Bernadette Beverley, Geoffrey Hunt, Jeanette Moran, Daniel Kuhanga, Deanne Plummer, Michelle Clegg, Ann Timothy, Ann Richardson, John Henry.

Simon Gracey, Natasia Lee (having surgery),
Special Intention,
Intentions of Mr and Mrs Anigbo.

This week the Sanctuary Lamp burns for:

Bernadette Beverley.

This week Our Lady’s Lamp burns for:

Bernadette Beverley

Lourdes TV

Please click on the red ‘Play’ button to watch Lourdes TV.