• Newsletter: 24th November 2024

Newsletter: 24th November 2024

Christ The King

Newsletter: 24th November

Christ The King

16.30 Confessions

9.00 MASS
10.30 MASS (& Coffee)
12.00 Baptisms

10.00 Mass
10.30 Coffee Morning

10.00 Mass (Year 4)
12.30 Funeral for William Walkden – Bury Cemetery
19.30 UCM Meeting

10.00 Word and Communion
Fr Brady in Walsingham

Fr Brady in Walsingham

NO Confessions

9.00 MASS
10.30 MASS (& Coffee)
12.00 Baptisms


This will be voted on by MPs on 29th November. This is the biggest threat to the vulnerable in a decade, and we need a huge effort to lobby MPs to vote against the bill. Please urgently contact your MP and ask him/her to vote against the bill. You can contact your MP by visiting www.livesworthliving.org.uk The MP for Bury South ( Radcliffe and Whitefield )is Christian Wakeford and Bury North MP is James Frith


To move our Synodal journey forwards, theme gatherings will now take place to identify key proposals for each of our four themes.  The first meeting will be held on Sunday 1st December at 2.30pm and will allow us to reflect on the first two themes.  Please help the parish of St Mary and St Philip Neri to have a voice on the future of the Church in our diocese. We look forward to welcoming you to our first gathering.


A night of “fun”raising, Thursday 12th December at 7pm in the Atrium. Quiz, Lucky Tickets, Stand up Bingo, Roll a £1 for a boozy bottle. Mince Pies Mulled Wine ( bring your own Christmas Mug) Tea and Coffee available or please bring your own preferred festive drinks. Limited o 50, sign up list in the Atrium. Tickets will be distributed, please remember to bring on the night for lucky ticket prize.


At this time of year , we can all feel under pressure to buy more and consume more, whilst some people don’t have the basics. Put the true meaning back into Christmas with a World Gift from Cafod gift to transform lives of the poor and those in need. £20.00 will provide firewood to help a family warm their home or £7.00 for a watering can to help a farmer survive a drought. Order from World Gifts at cafod.org.uk/worldgifts or call 0808 1400014. Gift Ideas and order forms available in the atrium.


WEDNESDAY: 8.30 – 1.00 PM


Following the enormous success of the Christmas Giving Tree last year and your amazing generosity as a parish, we would like to repeat the event again this year. The Giving Tree will be available in Church between the 24th November and the 15th December. All donations will be given to those members of our parish community that are most in need.  Your generosity will be gratefully received.  A list of recommended donations will be found on the noticeboard in the atrium. Thank you in advance from the members of St Mary and St Philip Neri SVP.


Lynda Omachi one of our Parishioners is kindly setting up a Parish Choir and would be thrilled to see anybody who has a love for singing or playing a musical instrument after the 10.30a.m Mass next week would like to discuss plans for the choir, set rehearsal schedules, and share ideas for making this a joyful and meaningful addition to our parish community. All welcome.

Join the Diocese of Salford’s Laudato Si’ Centre team on Friday 6 December for the return of its Advent Wreath Workshop, where you will have the opportunity to learn how to create your own wreath from natural materials under the guidance of our skilled team. Find out more and book here > Booking essential.

CARITAS Christmas Giving Campaign

Will you ‘Bee There’ this Christmas? | Caritas Salford .
Donate to caritassalford.org.uk/donate or call 0161 817 2250. A donation of £5.00 will contribute towards a Christmas Meal and £8.00 will provide a personal care pack to support local people experiencing crisis.

“Cheerfulness strengthens the heart and helps us to persevere”
St Philip Neri



In some ways this awe-inspiring scene is part of the climax of John’s Passion Narrative. Throughout the narrative John emphasises the ultimate significance of the events of the Passion, taking the stress away from Jesus’ suffering and humiliation, and laying it on his triumph. Ultimately, Jesus will die only when he has completed his mission, and hands over his Spirit to the newly-formed Christian community of Mary and the Beloved Disciple. In this scene the Jewish authorities have denounced Jesus as claiming to be king of the Jews, not knowing how true that claim is. Jesus declares that his kingdom is no earthly kingdom, but is far more powerful and meaningful. By his statement he invites Pilate to declare himself for the truth, as any judge should do. Now Pilate three times declares Jesus innocent, but at the same time makes a mockery of himself, as he stands before Truth itself, and asks what is truth. Then he seats Jesus on the Judgement Seat, robed and crowned as a king. The religious leaders (standing in front of Jesus who is enthroned as judge and king) deny themselves and undermine their faith by declaring, ‘We have no king but Caesar’. It is not Caesar, but God who is their true king. In what sense is Jesus a King? Why does this festival of Christ as King come at the end of the Church’s year?

BAPTISMS Please see Fr. Brady after Mass if you would like your child to be baptised. A baptismal certificate for one of the parents must be provided as evidence of baptism in a Roman Catholic Church before a baptism date can be given. We welcome parents and children and by attending Masses at the weekend on Saturday at 5.30pm, Sunday at 9.00am or 10.00am which fulfil the Sunday obligation. All Catholics are OBLIGED to celebrate Mass on EVERY Sunday.

BAPTISM CERTIFICATE COPIES REQUESTS For those requesting copies of baptism certificate the office can be contacted initially and the certificate can be collected at any of the weekend Masses. This is also to encourage people to come to Mass.

SICK AND HOUSEBOUND If you know of anybody who would like Fr Brady to visit, could you please give him their name and address with postcode and a contact telephone number. Thank you.

MASS INTENTIONS AND NEWSLETTER INCLUSIONS The practice of requesting a Mass to be offered for loved ones, living or deceased, is a beautiful and wonderful part of our Catholic Tradition. Continuing this long-standing practice, you can remember someone who has died recently or many years ago. The Mass can also make beautiful gifts for any special occasion: birthdays, anniversaries, in thanksgiving for a prayer answered etc. You can offer an intention for anybody who is struggling with a serious illness or other difficulties of life. Please hand in any Mass Intentions and items for the bulletin before Thursday as the newsletter is printed on Friday Morning. There are Mass Intention Envelopes provided on the table in the Atrium. Please provide a contact number with Mass Intentions so that any discrepancies can be resolved.

OUR LADY’S LAMP AND THE SANCTUARY LAMP These burn for seven days. Please place any intentions in an envelope with £5 in the Mass Offerings Box in the Atrium.


Lately Dead
Noreen Quick, John Lees, Audrey Bernice Thomson, Stuart Peters, Kathleen Healey, William Walkden.

Joan and Frederick Ward, Peter Baker, Edna Rice, Edna Hill, Tony Riley.

Geoff Billington, Theresa Burns, Daniel Kuhanga, Deanne Plummer, Michelle Clegg, Ann Timothy, Jeanette Moran, Geoffrey Hunt.

Birthday Memory
Austin Coote

Private Intention
Margaret Thomas ( Birthday)

This week the Sanctuary Lamp burns for:

Deceased Members of Our Parish.

This week and next Our Lady’s Lamp burns for:

Peace in the World.

Lourdes TV

Please click on the red ‘Play’ button to watch Lourdes TV.