• Newsletter: 5th December 2025
  • Newsletter: 5th December 2025

Newsletter: 5th January 2025


Newsletter: 5th January


No Confessions

9.00 MASS
10.30 MASS (& Coffee)
12.00 Baptisms

10.00 Mass with School
10.30 Coffee Morning

10.00 Mass
14.30 Funeral Service for Skye Blair (Radcliffe Crem.)
15.30 Funeral Service for Mary Treanor (Radcliffe Crem.)

10.00 Mass

10.00 Mass

16.30 Confessions

9.00 MASS
10.30 MASS (& Coffee)


I want to express my heartfelt thanks for the beautiful cards, thoughtful gifts, and so many kind sentiments I have received this Christmas. Your generosity and love have touched my heart, and I really appreciate your kindness. It is a blessing to belong to a caring community. Wishing you all a joyful and peaceful and holy New Year.

With gratitude and blessings, Fr. Brady


If you, anyone you know, or someone in your wider parish community is in need of support around rising energy bills, Caritas Salford has put together some helpful advice on their website.

You can find out more by visiting www.caritassalford.org.uk/fuel-poverty-challenges and can also find details on the website page on how to arrange a session with their energy advice service team.

Pilgrims Of Hope


8.30am-2.30pm Tuesday
8.30am-1.30pm Wednesday
8.30am-2.30pm Thursday
8.30am-1.30pm Friday


Monsignor John Allen has harnessed his love of the geography and history of our diocese, penning a very special book which is being sold in aid of Caritas Salford.  The book, Pilgrims of Hope, has been published in time for the start of the 2025 Jubilee Year which is also focussed on the theme of Pilgrims of Hope, and is available to purchase by visiting the Caritas website: caritassalford.org.uk/pilgrimbook


Our Laudato Si’ Centre is once again joining forces with a Christmas Tree recycling project in a bid to care for community and common home. The project raises funds for local charities by collecting used Christmas trees, while chippings from the trees will be repurposed across the Laudato Si’ Centre.

Find out more >


Father in heaven, may the faith you have given us in your son, Jesus Christ, our brother, and the flame of charity enkindled in our hearts by the Holy Spirit, reawaken in us the blessed hope for the coming of your Kingdom. May your grace transform us into tireless cultivators of the seeds of the Gospel. May those seeds transform from within both humanity and the whole cosmos in the sure expectation of a new heaven and a new earth, when, with the powers of Evil vanquished, your glory will shine eternally. May the grace of the Jubilee reawaken in us, Pilgrims of Hope, a yearning for the treasures of heaven.May that same grace spread the joy and peace of our Redeemer throughout the earth. To you our God, eternally blessed, be glory and praise for ever.


Jubilee Year 2025

Pope Francis has decreed that 2025 will be a year of Jubilee, a holy year which happens every 25 years in the Catholic Church.



After Jesus had been born at Bethlehem in Judaea during the reign of King Herod, some wise men came to Jerusalem from the east. “Where is the infant king of the Jews?” they asked. “We saw his star as it rose and have come to do him homage.” When King Herod heard this he was perturbed, and so was the whole of Jerusalem. He called together all the chief priests and the scribes of the people, and enquired of them where the Christ was to be born. “At Bethlehem in Judaea,” they told him, “for this is what the prophet wrote: ‘And you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah you are by no means least among the leaders of Judah, for out of you will come a leader who will shepherd my people Israel’.” Then Herod summoned the wise men to see him privately. He asked them the exact date on which the star had appeared, and sent them on to Bethlehem. “Go and find out all about the child,” he said, “and when you have found him, let me know, so that I too may go and do him homage.” Having listened to what the king had to say, they set out. And there in front of them was the star they had seen rising; it went forward and halted over the place where the child was. The sight of the star filled them with delight, and going into the house they saw the child with his mother Mary, and falling to their knees they did him homage. Then, opening their treasures, they offered him gifts of gold and frankincense and myrrh. But they were warned in a dream not to go back to Herod, and returned to their own country by a different way .

BAPTISMS Please see Fr. Brady after Mass if you would like your child to be baptised. A baptismal certificate for one of the parents must be provided as evidence of baptism in a Roman Catholic Church before a baptism date can be given. We welcome parents and children and by attending Masses at the weekend on Saturday at 5.30pm, Sunday at 9.00am or 10.00am which fulfil the Sunday obligation. All Catholics are OBLIGED to celebrate Mass on EVERY Sunday.

BAPTISM CERTIFICATE COPIES REQUESTS For those requesting copies of baptism certificate the office can be contacted initially and the certificate can be collected at any of the weekend Masses. This is also to encourage people to come to Mass.

SICK AND HOUSEBOUND If you know of anybody who would like Fr Brady to visit, could you please give him their name and address with postcode and a contact telephone number. Thank you.

CHRISTMAS MASS INTENTIONS AND NEWSLETTER INCLUSIONS The practice of requesting a Mass to be offered for loved ones, living or deceased, is a beautiful and wonderful part of our Catholic Tradition. Continuing this long-standing practice, you can remember someone who has died recently or many years ago. The Mass can also make beautiful gifts for any special occasion: birthdays, anniversaries, in thanksgiving for a prayer answered etc. You can offer an intention for anybody who is struggling with a serious illness or other difficulties of life. Please hand in any Mass Intentions and items for the bulletin before Thursday as the newsletter is printed on Friday Morning. There are Mass Intention Envelopes provided on the table in the Atrium. Please provide a contact number with Mass Intentions so that any discrepancies can be resolved. Our Lady’s Lamp and Sanctuary Lamp are £5.00 and burn for seven days. Please place any intentions in an envelope with your donation and give to Father Brady or place in the Mass offering Box in the atrium. All newsletter items must be sent in by Thursday morning.


Lately Dead
Skye Blair (Aged 9) , Maureen Walsh.

Peter Welsh, Brooke Wheildon, Tony Livesey, Bill Baker.

Birthday Memory
Irene Rawcliffe,Jack Eagleton, Benito D’Amore.

Jeanette Moran, Daniel Kuhanga, Deanne Plummer, Michelle Clegg, Ann Timothy, Ann Richardson, Paul Moore, John Henry.

Christmas Masses
Catherine & William Bailey, Anne Eagleton, Anne & Thomas Nally, The Hornby Family, The Jones Family, The Moore Family & In Laws, Deceased members of Brady Family, O’Malley Family, O’Sullivan Family, Shanley Family.

Pat Busby (90th Birthday) Egbuna Emmanuel Chidera (Birthday).

This week the Sanctuary Lamp burns for:

Maureen Walsh.

This week Our Lady’s Lamp burns for:

Pat Busby
Brooke Wheildon

Lourdes TV

Please click on the red ‘Play’ button to watch Lourdes TV.