• Newsletter: 9th June 2024

Newsletter: 9th June 2024

The Tenth Sunday Of The Year

Newsletter: 9th June

The Tenth Sunday Of The Year

16.30 Confessions

09.00 MASS
10.30 MASS

10.00 Mass
10.30 Coffee Morning

10.00 Word and Communion (Fr Attending a Friends Funeral in Durham)

19.00 Mass (Fr returning from Durham)

10.00 Mass

16.30 Confessions

9.00 MASS
10.30 MASS

Please support the SVP by buying a raffle ticket with all proceeds supporting the great work of SVP groups both locally and nationally. Books of tickets cost £5.00 each with prizes of 1st proze £5,000, 2nd prize £1,000 and fifteen prizes of £100..

Since the illness and death of Irene Rawcliffe (may she rest in peace) Fr Brady has been taking care of the Altar Linen (Altar Cloths, Corporals, Purificators, Lavabo Towels etc.) and now asks for some help. The linen has to be laundered in a very particular way according to Canon Law and so Fr Brady is happy to instruct anyone who wishes to assist in this very special apostolate, making things beautiful and noble for God. All the Altar Linen can be laundered on site and so it would not involve any financial costs to household bills, it would only require your generosity and time. Please speak to Fr. Thank you.

Please do help with buying a few items. Covered grave candles are available in red and blue and can be left burning at a loved ones grave to continue your prayer for those gone before. If you have any requests for the piety stall please let Fr Brady know.


Led by Bishop John Arnold, will take place between 26th July and 1st August. Find out more and book online
here >
. Leaflets available in the Atrium.


Subscriptions are now due.
Please give to Ann Barrett or any member of the U.C.M, Please make cheques payable to Catholic Family Care. A church collection will be taken in September Thank you.


Caritas Salford is inviting parishes who do not currently have a Caritas Parish Rep as part of their social action/justice provision to get in touch to find out more about how they can help their community put love and faith into action. For more information, please email m.yates@caritassalford.org.uk


Just a note of thanks with those who assist regularly at funerals. But, we really do need more regular help, as sometimes there are only two parishioners present. Often families need help with the responses and singing the hymns. Readers are often needed to proclaim the scriptures and sometimes an Extra Ordinary Minister of the Eucharist is required. Could I please urge you help in this corporal work of mercy (to bury the dead). It would also mean a great deal to me personally if I had more support around me, at a time when the building is so often filled with many strangers on these occasions. I know funerals are difficult for many people but if you can help, it would make such a difference. Many Thanks, Fr Brady.


Last weeks collection – £698.65 – Thank you. (Excluding Standing Orders)



The first stage of Jesus’ ministry comes to an end. He is rejected as ‘out of his mind’ by his own family. Then he is rejected by the scribes as being in league with Beelzebul. Finally, his family again arrive, looking for him, and he turns to those who are listening to him as his true family. This all leads into the Parable of the Sower, which seems to be Jesus’ reflection on his rejection by most people, and his fruitful acceptance by a small number of disciples. It is, of course, significant that the scribes cannot deny that he drives out evil spirits. If even his enemies are forced to admit it, it must be true. The best they can do is sarcastically to ascribe his powers to the chief of evil spirits, here named ‘Beelzebub’ or ‘Beelzebul’ (two different versions of the text). The former name means ‘lord of the flies’, probably a mocking corruption of the latter, which means ‘lord prince’, the title of a local deity. The whole scene presents an agonizing picture of the isolation of Jesus. In Luke’s version of the scene, by a very slight adjustment, Jesus’ mother and brothers are the prime example of those who hear the word of God and keep it. Did Jesus feel disappointment and isolation as we do?

BAPTISMS Please see Fr. Brady after Mass if you would like your child to be baptised. A baptismal certificate for one of the parents must be provided as evidence of baptism in a Roman Catholic Church before a baptism date can be given. We welcome parents and children and by attending Masses at the weekend on Saturday at 5.30pm, Sunday at 9.00am or 10.00am which fulfil the Sunday obligation. All Catholics are OBLIGED to celebrate Mass on EVERY Sunday.

BAPTISM CERTIFICATE COPIES REQUESTS For those requesting copies of baptism certificate the office can be contacted initially and the certificate can be collected at any of the weekend Masses. This is also to encourage people to come to Mass.

SICK AND HOUSEBOUND If you know of anybody who would like Fr Brady to visit, could you please give him their name and address with postcode and a contact telephone number. Thank you.

MASS INTENTIONS AND NEWSLETTER INCLUSIONS The practice of requesting a Mass to be offered for loved ones, living or deceased, is a beautiful and wonderful part of our Catholic Tradition. Continuing this long-standing practice, you can remember someone who has died recently or many years ago. The Mass can also make beautiful gifts for any special occasion: birthdays, anniversaries, in thanksgiving for a prayer answered etc. You can offer an intention for anybody who is struggling with a serious illness or other difficulties of life. Please hand in any Mass Intentions and items for the bulletin before Thursday as the newsletter is printed on Friday Morning. There are Mass Intention Envelopes provided on the table in the Atrium. Please provide a contact number with Mass Intentions so that any discrepancies can be resolved. Thank you.

OUR LADY’S LAMP AND THE SANCTUARY LAMP These burn for seven days. Please place any intentions in an envelope with £5 in the Mass Offerings Box in the Atrium.


Lately Dead
Bridget Grehan-Bradley, Irene Siddall, Michael Sloane.

Marjorie Brady, Kathleen Fulton, Shirley Lowe.

Birthday Memory
Bernadette Lindley.

Adrian Kiddle.

Intentions of Mr & Mrs Anigbo.

This week the Sanctuary Lamp burns for:

Prayers for a Successful Operation.

This week Our Lady’s Lamp burns for:

Michael Sloane (RIP).

Lourdes TV

Please click on the red ‘Play’ button to watch Lourdes TV.